Freedom's Way Ministries, Inc.
"you shall know the truth and the truth will set you free" John 8:32
Events Ministry
Sister Ebonee' Batts
Glory to Glory Ministry
(ladies 18 & up)
Pastor's Debra Byas & Tonya Weaver
Hospitality Ministry
Sister Lashanna Adams
Media Ministry
Deacon Duane Ross & Brother Shak Goss
Mental Wealth Ministry
Pastor Tonya Weaver
Music Ministry
*Men's Choir - Brother Derrick Hansley
*Praise Team - Brother Zach Ledwell
*Youth Choir - Sister's Anaiyah Batts & Ariana Hansley
Pastor's Aide
Elder Patricia Mack
Nursing Ministry
Sister Leana Gagne
Usher Ministry
Sister Melissa Smith
Welcome Ministry
Elder L'Tahnya Canty
Women's Fellowship
(Women With Favor)
Lady Bregetta Garnett & Sister Terri Corbett
Youth Ministry
*Youth Pastor - Minister Jonathan Ross
*Children's Church - Minister Cherrita Davis & Sister Gianna Hansley
*Youth Art Program - Sister's Anaiyah Batts & Ariana Hansley
From him the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work. Ephesians 4:16
We need You!
Please contact the ministry head or speak with the church office if you or interested in becoming a part of (or need more information) a Ministry/Auxiliary.